Saturday, February 28, 2015

Successful Business Trip

This week I had to go to DC on business and I was bound and determined to stay on program and not come back with a gain.  I did really well and actually ended up losing 2#!!  I took cheese sticks, nuts, and protein bars with me to have for breakfast and I made a commitment to have salads for my lunches.  For dinners I made sure I ordered things that fit within my program and even tried out a gluten free pizza one night.  All my meals were really tasty and I never really felt like I was missing anything.  The exception to that was the birthday cake that a co-worker was presented with.  It smelled amazing but I just kept thinking about the goals I have and how I really want to be successful at this endeavor.

Unfortunately I did not get any C25K training done while I was gone so I think I'm going to have to repeat week 1 before going on to week 2.  I just wish the weather would clear up so I could get back to the track.  I really prefer running there for several reasons.  One is that it doesn't seem to hurt my legs quite so much to run on the dirt but probably the main reason is that I don't feel that self conscious when I'm running there.  I know I shouldn't worry so much what people think of me running but anything that makes it easier for me to get out there and do it I consider a good thing!

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