Thursday, September 19, 2019

Back on a DietBet!

Well, who do we have here?!?!  Long time no see!!!  Well...last month I hit within 5# of my highest ever weight and we just can't have that.  So...I am back in a DietBet and working hard.  I am still following a Keto way of life and love how it makes me feel.  I have been going overboard on the calories though so I am dialing that back.  I have moved to doing One Meal A Day (OMAD) and have been doing that for several weeks now.  I'm really liking it!  I have been spending my lunch break walking my neighborhood instead of sitting here wishing I could eat.  I am usually eating my dinner around 4-5pm and then not snacking at all.  I've been doing better about my water - I have my decaf coffee first thing in the morning and then before I allow myself a 2nd cup I have to drink my Tervis full of water.  Then after my 2nd cup it is usually time for my walk.  After my walk I drink another Tervis and then I can have an iced coffee.  With dinner I try to drink another Tervis but sometimes I treat myself with a Fresca.  I also just picked up some decaf cold brew tea bags so I plan to start incorporating that during my day as well.  I've lost 10.2# during the first month of the DB but most of that occurred during the first two weeks and it was a combination of reining in my eating, drinking water, and weighing-in in the morning rather than late afternoon like I did when I first signed up for the DB.  This next month will be a little trickier and I will have to be diligent with my day to day discipline.  I know I can do this!!!

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Keto Catch Up

Wow...I can't believe it's been so long since I've written here!  The hubby and I have been doing Keto for several months since last summer and we are really finding it fits our lifestyle perfectly.  We stopped paying attention over the holidays and then took a cruise so we backtracked a little bit from where we were prior to Thanksgiving.  So we decided to start back up just before the beginning of the year.  Since then I have lost 5.2# and the hubby has lost 10#!!  And that is without tracking any macros and really not exercising very much.

Tonight I made chili and faux cornbread for dinner - it was all great!!  Here’s the chili - I also made her chili seasoning that’s linked in the recipe and it really wasn’t spicy at all even with the jalapeños:  

Here’s the cornbread recipe I used:  We were shocked at how good the cornbread was and thought the base might make a good starter for making other types of breads and coffee cakes.  I used Monk Fruit as my sweetener.  

I'm going to try to keep this blog a little more updated if for no other reason than have a place to direct friends and family when they ask for recipes.